JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
[kArtikel] => 10177
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[kLieferstatus] => 0
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
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[kWarengruppe] => 0
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[nAutomatischeLiefertageberechnung] => 0
[nBearbeitungszeit] => 0
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fMindestbestellmenge] => 0
[fPackeinheit] => 1.0000
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[fGewicht] => 4.35
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[cName] => Unifiber Windsurf Boardbag Blackline Roofrack board-quiver bag 240x60cm
[cSeo] => Unifiber-Windsurf-Boardbag-Blackline-Roofrack-board-quiver-bag-240x60cm
[cBeschreibung] => Blackline Roofrack board-quiver bag 240 x 60
<p>Das Boardbag für ein Board und den Rest = All In One Windsurfbag<br /><br /><strong>Windsurf Bag Specifcations</strong></p>
<div class="table table-responsive table-responsive--specs">
<table class="table table--specs">
<th style="background-color: #c6edf0" data-selectedcell="__SELECTED_CELL_1070f7cb46a04ac48bb7c7c00f0547e3"></th>
<th class="category">Product</th>
<th>Inner Length <a role="button" tabindex="2" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Inner Length" data-content="What is the main inner compartment length to understand what the longest length gear fit's inside the bag." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_inner_length_cm"></a></th>
<th>Inner Width <a role="button" tabindex="3" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Inner Width" data-content="What is the main inner compartment width to understand what the widest length gear fit's inside the bag? The inner width is measured when the boardbag is flat on the ground and relates to the absolute inside widest point of the bag. TIP: You can measure your board circumference and devide it by 2 when you have doubt the bag will fit. Make sure to take a few cm in account for tolerance." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_inner_width_cm"></a></th>
<th>Inner Height <a role="button" tabindex="4" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Inner Height" data-content="What is the main inner compartment height to understand what the highest length gear that fit's inside the bag. Bags who are shaped 2D-dimensioned bags will show "0" as value for the height. For example when you want to know if your board will fit into a boardbag take the circumferential value (board inner width value x 2 = circumferential value). 3D-dimensioned bags you think box style dimensions L x W x H." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_inner_height_cm"></a></th>
<th>Main Fabric <a role="button" tabindex="5" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Main Fabric" data-content="How does the type of fabric influence the durability of a windsurf travel bag? In general bags which are more exposed to wear and tear we recommend polyester 600D as the better option. Polyester 400 will work okay when storing lighter gear. Water repelling polyester doe shave the same mechanical properties as polyester 600D and is not completely waterproof but has the advantage it is not soaking up water as much compared to regular polyester 600D. Tarpaulin used on Unifiber bags are high quality more tear resistant then standard quality of taurpalin and lighter and more economic choice of fabric." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_bag_main_fabric"></a></th>
<th>Padding Thickness <a role="button" tabindex="6" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Padding Thickness" data-content="Padding is a soft foam material used in travel bags for additional protection. Especially bags which will be holding fragile components are equipped with padding. Padding thicknesses vary most in 2, 4, 6, 8mm. The thicker the padding the more protection." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_bag_padding_thickness"></a></th>
<th>Zipper Size <a role="button" tabindex="7" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Zipper Size" data-content="Does zipper width have impact to the durability of a bag? Zippers do have various widths. In general wider zippers have better strength. Zipper strength is mostly referred to zipper numbers which are referring to the width across the zipper teeth when closed in millimeters. For example a #6 zipper is 6mm across, a #8 zipper is 8mm across, etc." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="s_bag_zipper"></a></th>
<th>Weight (kg) <a role="button" tabindex="8" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" data-original-title="Weight (kg)" data-content="Referring to the product weight including accessories and excluding packaging material." data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-attribute-info="weight"></a></th></tr></thead>
<td class="title-column">Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 240 x 60</td>
<td>240 cm</td>
<td>62 cm</td>
<td>30 cm</td>
<td>Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester</td>
<td>10 mm</td>
<td>#10 mm</td>
<td>4.8 kg</td></tr>
<td class="title-column">Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 250 x 70</td>
<td>250 cm</td>
<td>72 cm</td>
<td>35 cm</td>
<td>Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester</td>
<td>10 mm</td>
<td>#10 mm</td>
<td>5.15 kg</td></tr>
<td class="title-column">Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 260 x 80</td>
<td>260 cm</td>
<td>82 cm</td>
<td>40 cm</td>
<td>Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester</td>
<td>10 mm</td>
<td>#10 mm</td>
<td>5.7 kg</td></tr></tbody></table></div>
<p>Das Blackline Roofrack Bardbag ist für ein Board (unten) und oben für Masten, Gabeln, Segel und Zubehör. <br />In der oberen Einteilung gibt`s einzelne Fächer für Mastteile, separater Reisverschluss unten für das Board-Fach.<br />Das Unifiber Windsurf Boardbag Roofrack ist gepolstert und natürlich mit robustem Reißverschluss versehen.<br />Details:<br /> - Platz für 4 Mastteile, 2 Booms, 2-3 Segel und 1 Board<br /> - 2 separate Fächer mit Heavy Duty Reißverschlüssen<br /> - gepolsterte Tragegriffe<br /> - Schultergurt<br /> - aerodynamische Form<br /> - Heavy Duty 600D Außenhülle<br /> ! Abnehmbares Rollenset gegen Aufpreis (es ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten!) !</p>
<p>Das Rollenset muss zusätzlich bestellt werden. <br />Ist ein universelle Wheelbase für alle Boardbags. <br /><br />Bei den Maßen in der Breite, handelt es sich um Herstellerangaben. Unser Tip: Bei normalen Freeride-, Freemove- und Waveboards kann man auch ein Board mit bis zu 2cm mehr Breite reinstecken.<br />(dies gilt nicht für Slalomboard, da deren breite Spitze, die Höhe (Dicke) und außen montierte Schlaufen zu viel Platz benötigen)<br /><br /><br /><iframe style="border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid; border-bottom: gray 1px solid; border-left: gray 1px solid" height="320" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y4SHcmv9FdI" frameborder="0" width="560" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><br /><br /></p>
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[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Unifiber-Windsurf-Boardbag-Blackline-Roofrack-board-quiver-bag-240x60cm
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[metaTitle] => Unifiber Windsurf Boardbag Blackline Roofrack board-quiver bag 240x60, 249,00 €
[metaDescription] => Blackline Roofrack board-quiver bag 240 x 60 Das Boardbag für ein Board und den Rest = All In One Windsurfbag Windsurf Bag Specifcations Product Inner Lengt
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Blackline Roofrack board-quiver bag 240 x 60
Das Boardbag für ein Board und den Rest = All In One Windsurfbag
Windsurf Bag Specifcations
| Product | Inner Length | Inner Width | Inner Height | Main Fabric | Padding Thickness | Zipper Size | Weight (kg) |
| Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 240 x 60 | 240 cm | 62 cm | 30 cm | Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester | 10 mm | #10 mm | 4.8 kg |
| Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 250 x 70 | 250 cm | 72 cm | 35 cm | Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester | 10 mm | #10 mm | 5.15 kg |
| Blackline Roofrack Board-Quiver Bag 260 x 80 | 260 cm | 82 cm | 40 cm | Polyester 600D with Water Repelling Polyester | 10 mm | #10 mm | 5.7 kg |
Das Blackline Roofrack Bardbag ist für ein Board (unten) und oben für Masten, Gabeln, Segel und Zubehör.
In der oberen Einteilung gibt`s einzelne Fächer für Mastteile, separater Reisverschluss unten für das Board-Fach.
Das Unifiber Windsurf Boardbag Roofrack ist gepolstert und natürlich mit robustem Reißverschluss versehen.
- Platz für 4 Mastteile, 2 Booms, 2-3 Segel und 1 Board
- 2 separate Fächer mit Heavy Duty Reißverschlüssen
- gepolsterte Tragegriffe
- Schultergurt
- aerodynamische Form
- Heavy Duty 600D Außenhülle
! Abnehmbares Rollenset gegen Aufpreis (es ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten!) !
Das Rollenset muss zusätzlich bestellt werden.
Ist ein universelle Wheelbase für alle Boardbags.
Bei den Maßen in der Breite, handelt es sich um Herstellerangaben. Unser Tip: Bei normalen Freeride-, Freemove- und Waveboards kann man auch ein Board mit bis zu 2cm mehr Breite reinstecken.
(dies gilt nicht für Slalomboard, da deren breite Spitze, die Höhe (Dicke) und außen montierte Schlaufen zu viel Platz benötigen)
Zustand: | Neu |
Produkthersteller: | Equipe-Trading B.V.-Phantom 14, 5126 RJ Gilze Netherlands- EMail:info(at)equipe-trading.com |