JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
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[kGrundpreisEinheit] => 0
[kWarengruppe] => 0
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[nAutomatischeLiefertageberechnung] => 0
[nBearbeitungszeit] => 0
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[fMindestbestellmenge] => 0
[fPackeinheit] => 1.0000
[fAbnahmeintervall] => 0
[fGewicht] => 0
[fUVP] => 0.00
[fUVPBrutto] => 0.00
[fVPEWert] => 0.0000
[fZulauf] => 0
[fMassMenge] => 0
[fGrundpreisMenge] => 0
[fBreite] => 0
[fHoehe] => 0
[fLaenge] => 0
[cName] => Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox
[cSeo] => Select-FX-FREE-CARVE-25cm-Powerbox
[cBeschreibung] => <p>Select FX FREE CARVE<br />Ideal für Freemove und Leichtwind Wave = Freewave-Boards </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Die neue Finne hat einen leistungsstarken Griff springt gut und hat eine gute Kontrolle. <br /> <br />Der FX ist für Bump 'n and Jump </p>
<p>Ideal für Free Carve und Leichtwind Wave = Freewave-Boards <br /><br />Construction : CNC FR4 C </p>
<p />
<hr />
<p />
<p /> program :<br /> bump'n jump
<p /> New bump and jump and free carve fin<br /> Quicker to get planning than the shock bump and jump<br /> Powerful grip for jumping very high
<p />The FX is dedicated for Bump `n Jump / Free Carve and wave light wind boards
<p />Fin Boxes :
<p /> Power Box<br /> <br /><br />Construction : CNC FR4 C
<p><br /> </p>
[cAnmerkung] =>
[cArtNr] => SE3704
[cURL] => Select-FX-FREE-CARVE-25cm-Powerbox
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Select-FX-FREE-CARVE-25cm-Powerbox
[cVPE] => N
[cVPEEinheit] => Stück
[cSuchbegriffe] =>
[cTeilbar] => N
[cBarcode] => 8719128921525
[cLagerBeachten] => Y
[cLagerKleinerNull] => N
[cLagerVariation] => N
[cKurzBeschreibung] =>
[cMwstVersandText] => inkl. 19% USt., zzgl. <a href="https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Versandkosten" rel="nofollow" class="shipment">Versand</a> (Paket S)
[cLieferstatus] =>
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[cVorschaubildURL] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/media/image/product/6211/sm/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox.jpg
[cHerstellerMetaTitle] =>
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[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
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[cPfadGross] => media/image/product/6211/lg/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox.jpg
[nNr] => 1
[cURLMini] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/media/image/product/6211/xs/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox.jpg
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[cURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/media/image/product/6211/lg/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox.jpg
[cAltAttribut] => Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox
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[cPfadNormal] => media/image/product/6211/md/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg
[cPfadGross] => media/image/product/6211/lg/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg
[nNr] => 2
[cURLMini] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/media/image/product/6211/xs/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg
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[cURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/media/image/product/6211/lg/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg
[cAltAttribut] => Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox
[galleryJSON] => {"xs":{"src":"https:\/\/www.surfshop-andreas.de\/media\/image\/product\/6211\/xs\/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg","size":{"width":70,"height":70},"type":2,"alt":"Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox"},"sm":{"src":"https:\/\/www.surfshop-andreas.de\/media\/image\/product\/6211\/sm\/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg","size":{"width":330,"height":330},"type":2,"alt":"Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox"},"md":{"src":"https:\/\/www.surfshop-andreas.de\/media\/image\/product\/6211\/md\/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg","size":{"width":500,"height":500},"type":2,"alt":"Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox"},"lg":{"src":"https:\/\/www.surfshop-andreas.de\/media\/image\/product\/6211\/lg\/select-fx-free-carve-25cm-powerbox~2.jpg","size":{"width":950,"height":950},"type":2,"alt":"Select FX FREE CARVE 25cm Powerbox"}}
[FunktionsAttribute] => Array
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[1] => stdClass Object
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[cWert] => SM COMPOSITE SARL-9 Rue Paul Heroult-49460 Montreuil – Juigné France- EMail: select(at)select-hydrofoils.com
[AttributeAssoc] => Array
[Zustand] => Neu
[Produkthersteller] => SM COMPOSITE SARL-9 Rue Paul Heroult-49460 Montreuil – Juigné France- EMail: select(at)select-hydrofoils.com
[Variationen] => Array
[Sonderpreise] =>
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[1] =>
[2] =>
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[4] =>
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[cLagerhinweis] => Array
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[System] => Power Box
[Jahr] => 2023
[Typ] => Freemove
[Länge] => 20 bis 30cm
[cVariationKombi] =>
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[oVariationKombiVorschauText] =>
[oVariationDetailPreisKind_arr] =>
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[fVersandkostenfreiAbX] => 0.00
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[ger] => stdClass Object
[kVersandart] => 18
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[cName] => Kostenloser Versand
[cLieferdauer] => 1-2 Tage
[cHinweistext] => Kostenloser Versand nach DE außer Inseln. Versandkosten werden pro Bestellung nur einmalig berechnet.
[cHinweistextShop] => Kostenloser Versand nach DE außer Inseln. Versandkosten werden pro Bestellung nur einmalig berechnet.
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[country] =>
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[items:protected] => Array
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[data:JTL\Checkout\ShippingSurcharge:private] => Array
[escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] =>
[data:JTL\Checkout\Versandart:private] => Array
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Ideal für Freemove und Leichtwind Wave = Freewave-Boards
Die neue Finne hat einen leistungsstarken Griff springt gut und hat eine gute Kontrolle.
Der FX ist für Bump 'n and Jump
Ideal für Free Carve und Leichtwind Wave = Freewave-Boards
Construction : CNC FR4 C
program :
bump'n jump
New bump and jump and free carve fin
Quicker to get planning than the shock bump and jump
Powerful grip for jumping very high
The FX is dedicated for Bump `n Jump / Free Carve and wave light wind boards
Fin Boxes :
Power Box
Construction : CNC FR4 C
Zustand: | Neu |
Produkthersteller: | SM COMPOSITE SARL-9 Rue Paul Heroult-49460 Montreuil – Juigné France- EMail: select(at)select-hydrofoils.com |