JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
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[cName] => Unifiber Enduro 430cm RDM C40 Flex Top 2020
[cSeo] => Unifiber-Enduro-430cm-RDM-C40-Flex-Top-2020
[cBeschreibung] => <p>Unifiber Enduro 430cm RDM C40 Flex Top<br /><br />RDM MAST genannt Skinny steht für Durchmesser für Mastverlängerungen von 32mm !<br />Lieferumfang: Mast ohne Mastbag<br /></p>
<table class="table table--specs">
<th class="category" style="background-color: #c6edf0" data-selectedcell="__SELECTED_CELL_3675ba9fb0924c419c569c5371066c96">Flex Top</th>
<th>Carbon Fiber Quality <a role="button" tabindex="2" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="s_mast_carbon_fiber_quality" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="Carbon Fibers come in different specifications. One of them is the tensile strenght specification, referred to T. All masts inlcuding lower spec carbon masts are produced with Torayca® produced carbon fiber. " data-original-title="Carbon Fiber Quality"></a></th>
<th>Finishing <a role="button" tabindex="3" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="s_mast_finishing" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="What mast surface finishing options are there available and do they matter. Besides it is a bonus if masts look eye candy there are some constructional advantages as wel. Radial compression layer is a layer wrapped around the masts to keep the fibers which are under the surface of the compression layer. These fibers are more in the length of the mast orientated and will bear the largest amount of stress. Radial compression layer help to keep these fibers in place to ensure a maximum load distribution avoiding peak tension which in case to high will cause the mast to break. " data-original-title="Finishing"></a></th>
<th>Base % <a role="button" tabindex="4" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="s_mast_base_perc" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="The higher the percentage the more Hard Top the mast. Typical percentages are between 65% which is a typical Hard Top value or 60% which is considered as already extreme Flex Top value." data-original-title="Base %"></a></th>
<th>Top % <a role="button" tabindex="5" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="s_mast_top_perc" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="The higher the percentage the more Flex Top the mast. Typical percentages are between 74% which is a typical Hard Top value or 80% which is considered as typical Flex Top value. The higher the percentage the more the top will bend." data-original-title="Top %"></a></th>
<th>Stiffness IMCS <a role="button" tabindex="6" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="s_imcs" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="IMCS mean Index Mast Check System. When loading a mast in the exact middle with 30KG considering the base and top are supported the level of deflection is considered as the stiffness of the mast. The less a mast will deflect the less it will bend. IMCS values are mostly pegged given a certain mast size but sometimes are +/-1 point more or less. Important to understand is that IMCS should not be confused with Bend Curve. IMCS has more to do with responsiveness and has little to do with the way how a sail will shape up when rigged while Bend Curve influences the shape of the sail." data-original-title="Stiffness IMCS"></a></th>
<th>Weight <a role="button" tabindex="7" title="" class="fa fa-info-circle" href="" target="" data-attribute-info="weight" data-trigger="focus" data-toggle="popover" data-content="Referring to the product weight excluding packaging material. +/-6%" data-original-title="Weight"></a></th></tr></thead>
<td class="title-column">Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 340</td>
<td>Matte Black Spiral Taped</td>
<td>64 %</td>
<td>78 %</td>
<td>2 kg</td></tr>
<td class="title-column">Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 370</td>
<td>Matte Black Spiral Taped</td>
<td>64 %</td>
<td>78 %</td>
<td>2.25 kg</td></tr>
<td class="title-column">Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 400</td>
<td>Matte Black Spiral Taped</td>
<td>64 %</td>
<td>78 %</td>
<td>2.45 kg</td></tr>
<td class="title-column">Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 430</td>
<td>Matte Black Spiral Taped</td>
<td>64 %</td>
<td>78 %</td>
<td>2.7 kg</td></tr></tbody></table><br /><br />
<p>Foto kann von Länge abweichen Herstellerfoto gibts nur in einer Länge</p>
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[cURL] => Unifiber-Enduro-430cm-RDM-C40-Flex-Top-2020
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Unifiber-Enduro-430cm-RDM-C40-Flex-Top-2020
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Unifiber Enduro 430cm RDM C40 Flex Top
RDM MAST genannt Skinny steht für Durchmesser für Mastverlängerungen von 32mm !
Lieferumfang: Mast ohne Mastbag
| Flex Top | Carbon Fiber Quality | Finishing | Base % | Top % | Stiffness IMCS | Weight |
| Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 340 | T700 | Matte Black Spiral Taped | 64 % | 78 % | 15 | 2 kg |
| Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 370 | T700 | Matte Black Spiral Taped | 64 % | 78 % | 17 | 2.25 kg |
| Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 400 | T700 | Matte Black Spiral Taped | 64 % | 78 % | 19 | 2.45 kg |
| Enduro EVO RDM C40 Flex Top 430 | T700 | Matte Black Spiral Taped | 64 % | 78 % | 21 | 2.7 kg |
Foto kann von Länge abweichen Herstellerfoto gibts nur in einer Länge
Zustand: | Neu |
Produkthersteller: | Equipe-Trading B.V.-Phantom 14, 5126 RJ Gilze Netherlands- EMail:info(at)equipe-trading.com |