JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
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[cName] => Slingshot SlingWing NXT V1 2025 3,0 m²
[cSeo] => Slingshot-SlingWing-NXT-V1-2025-30-m
[cBeschreibung] => <p>HIGH TENSION / HIGH PERFORMANCE / LIGHT<br />SlingWing NXT </p>
<p>The engine that drives the new SlingWing NXT is our new lightweight Aluula Air Frame which can be adjusted in stiffness through leading edge air pressure. 8 PSI produces a soft suspension-like ride, which takes the edge off in strong or gusty winds. Pump it to 11 PSI, and the wing feels like a sports car with performance shocks and tires to produce a sharp and precise feel. Strut pressure is always 10 PSI, and it produces our best new high-tension, high-performance canopy design to date. Advancements in new materials, leading-edge design, and our high-tension canopy profile make the SlingWing NXT balanced and easier to fly with super soft hand pressure. The NXT excels across all performance metrics no matter how or where you choose to use it. Exclusive to Slingshot, the SlingWing NXT features the new SlingGrip EVA with a ClickConnect handle system. The elevated pistol grip front handle delivers greater control when luffing or switching hands. These handles come on and off with a click, which makes packing for travel more compact.<br /><br /><br /><iframe style="border-top: gray 1px solid; border-right: gray 1px solid; border-bottom: gray 1px solid; border-left: gray 1px solid" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dNf0UfmOiC0" frameborder="0" width="420" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><br /><br /><br />Aluula NXT Airframe Design<br />A strategically calculated Reduced Diameter LE from the center of the LE wing to the wing tips, the Aluula Airframe delivers our new revolutionary high-tension, high performance canopy wing design. Offering superior balance and handing with best-in-class flex characteristics. Stiff in the front and transitioning to softer at the wing tips, the Aluula Airframe keeps the first third of the canopy structure smooth and rigid for on-demand power. It allows the wing tips to twist off in gusty conditions or flag out and surf with total control.</p>
<p>Aluula Material<br />Utilized throughout the SlingWing NXT’s airframe, the Aluula material is a high-tenacity, high molecular laminate that features biaxial gridding and extensive emulsion coating, eliminating stretch in all directions. Aluula is the secret behind a lighter wing with all the attributes of the SlingWing NXT, a more balanced feel, better power control, stability, and effortless flagging out for surfing.</p>
<p>Radial Panel Canopy Construction<br />We moved panels to match the loading of the canopy while in flight. This was possible because of the stiffness the LE produces to help create the high-tension, high performance canopy. These reinforced seams and a strategic alignment in the canopy prevent stretch.</p>
<p>Radial Panel Canopy Construction<br />We moved panels to match the loading of the canopy while in flight. This was possible because of the stiffness the LE produces to help create the high-tension, high performance canopy. These reinforced seams and a strategic alignment in the canopy prevent stretch.</p>
<p> </p>
[cAnmerkung] =>
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[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
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[cPfadNormalFull] =>
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[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 300
[1] => 252.1008
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 350
[1] => 294.1176
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
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[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 400
[1] => 336.1345
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[iid:protected] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 450
[1] => 378.1513
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
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[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] =>
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[6] =>
[7] =>
[8] =>
[9] =>
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[oMedienDatei_arr] => Array
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[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\VariationValue Object
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[0] => 0
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[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
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[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
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[cPfadKleinFull] =>
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[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 50
[1] => 42.0168
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
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[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 100
[1] => 84.0336
[fVPEWert] =>
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[cBildPfad] =>
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[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
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[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 150
[1] => 126.0504
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[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
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[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
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[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 250
[1] => 210.084
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[cBildPfad] =>
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[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
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[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 300
[1] => 252.1008
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[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 350
[1] => 294.1176
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[cBildPfad] =>
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[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
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[1] => 1.511,76 €
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[0] => 400
[1] => 336.1345
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[cBildPfadMini] =>
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[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 450
[1] => 378.1513
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
[imageType:protected] => variation
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
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[kEigenschaft] => 3671
[kArtikel] => 14538
[cWaehlbar] => Y
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[oVariationenNurKind_arr] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Werte] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\VariationValue Object
[kEigenschaftWert] => 16191
[kEigenschaft] => 3671
[cName] => 3,0 m²
[fAufpreisNetto] => 84.0336
[fGewichtDiff] => 0.0000
[cArtNr] => 0
[nSort] => 2
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fPackeinheit] => 1
[inStock] => 1
[notExists] =>
[oVariationsKombi] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14545
[tartikel_fLagerbestand] => 0
[cLagerBeachten] => Y
[cLagerKleinerNull] => Y
[cLagerVariation] => N
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 100,00 €
[1] => + 84,03 €
[cPreisVPEWertAufpreis] => Array
[cPreisVPEWertInklAufpreis] => Array
[cPreisInklAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 100
[1] => 84.0336
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
[imageType:protected] => variation
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
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[cWaehlbar] => Y
[nSort] => 0
[cName] => Grösse
[nLieferbareVariationswerte] => 10
[Lageranzeige] => stdClass Object
[cLagerhinweis] => Array
[genau] => <i class="fa fa-truck"></i> verfügbar
[verfuegbarkeit] => <i class="fa fa-truck"></i> verfügbar
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[cBildpfad] =>
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[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadGross] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildGrossVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] =>
[oMerkmalWert_arr] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
[kSprache] => 1
[kMerkmalWert] => 410
[kMerkmal] => 8
[nSort] => 90
[cWert] => 3,0m²
[cMetaKeywords] =>
[cMetaDescription] =>
[cMetaTitle] =>
[cBeschreibung] => Neuer Wert
[cSeo] => 30m
[cURL] => 30m
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/30m
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cMerkmalAssoc_arr] => Array
[Größe] => 3,0m²
[cVariationKombi] => 3671_16191
[kEigenschaftKombi_arr] =>
[oVariationKombiVorschauText] =>
[oVariationDetailPreisKind_arr] => Array
[16191] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
[kArtikel] => 14545
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[cVKLocalized] => Array
[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fVKNetto] => 1511.76470589
[fVKBrutto] => 1799
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1799
[1] => 1511.76470589
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
[oPriceRange] => JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange Object
[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14545
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
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[fNettoPreis] => 1511.76470589
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1511.76470589
[maxNettoPrice] => 1511.76470589
[minBruttoPrice] => 1799
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1799
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[oVariationDetailPreis_arr] => Array
[16189] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
[kArtikel] => 14543
[kKunde] => 0
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[0] => 1.699,00 €
[1] => 1.427,73 €
[fVKNetto] => 1427.73109244
[fVKBrutto] => 1699
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1699
[1] => 1427.73109244
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
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[kSteuerklasse] => 1
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[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1427.73109244
[maxNettoPrice] => 1427.73109244
[minBruttoPrice] => 1699
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1699
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
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[16190] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
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[1] => 1.469,75 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 1749
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1749
[1] => 1469.74789916
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
[oPriceRange] => JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange Object
[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14544
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1469.74789916
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1469.74789916
[maxNettoPrice] => 1469.74789916
[minBruttoPrice] => 1749
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1749
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 50,00 €
[1] => + 42,02 €
[16191] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
[kArtikel] => 14545
[kKunde] => 0
[cVKLocalized] => Array
[0] => 1.799,00 €
[1] => 1.511,76 €
[fVKNetto] => 1511.76470589
[fVKBrutto] => 1799
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1799
[1] => 1511.76470589
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14545
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1511.76470589
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1511.76470589
[maxNettoPrice] => 1511.76470589
[minBruttoPrice] => 1799
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1799
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 100,00 €
[1] => + 84,03 €
[16192] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
[kArtikel] => 14546
[kKunde] => 0
[cVKLocalized] => Array
[0] => 1.849,00 €
[1] => 1.553,78 €
[fVKNetto] => 1553.78151261
[fVKBrutto] => 1849
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1849
[1] => 1553.78151261
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14546
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1553.78151261
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1553.78151261
[maxNettoPrice] => 1553.78151261
[minBruttoPrice] => 1849
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1849
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 150,00 €
[1] => + 126,05 €
[16193] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
[kArtikel] => 14547
[kKunde] => 0
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[1] => 1.595,80 €
[fVKNetto] => 1595.79831933
[fVKBrutto] => 1899
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1899
[1] => 1595.79831933
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14547
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1595.79831933
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1595.79831933
[maxNettoPrice] => 1595.79831933
[minBruttoPrice] => 1899
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1899
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 200,00 €
[1] => + 168,07 €
[16194] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
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[kArtikel] => 14548
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[1] => 1.637,82 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 1949
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1949
[1] => 1637.81512605
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
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[fNettoPreis] => 1637.81512605
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[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1637.81512605
[maxNettoPrice] => 1637.81512605
[minBruttoPrice] => 1949
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1949
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 250,00 €
[1] => + 210,08 €
[16195] => stdClass Object
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[1] => 1.679,83 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 1999
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 1999
[1] => 1679.83193278
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14549
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[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1679.83193278
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[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 1679.83193278
[maxNettoPrice] => 1679.83193278
[minBruttoPrice] => 1999
[maxBruttoPrice] => 1999
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
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[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 300,00 €
[1] => + 252,10 €
[16196] => stdClass Object
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[kKundengruppe] => 1
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[1] => 1.721,85 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 2049
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 2049
[1] => 1721.8487395
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
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[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 0
[fNettoPreis] => 1721.8487395
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[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
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[minNettoPrice] => 1721.8487395
[maxNettoPrice] => 1721.8487395
[minBruttoPrice] => 2049
[maxBruttoPrice] => 2049
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
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[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => + 350,00 €
[1] => + 294,12 €
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[1] => 1.763,87 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 2099
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
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[versandkosten] => DE 0,00
SlingWing NXT
The engine that drives the new SlingWing NXT is our new lightweight Aluula Air Frame which can be adjusted in stiffness through leading edge air pressure. 8 PSI produces a soft suspension-like ride, which takes the edge off in strong or gusty winds. Pump it to 11 PSI, and the wing feels like a sports car with performance shocks and tires to produce a sharp and precise feel. Strut pressure is always 10 PSI, and it produces our best new high-tension, high-performance canopy design to date. Advancements in new materials, leading-edge design, and our high-tension canopy profile make the SlingWing NXT balanced and easier to fly with super soft hand pressure. The NXT excels across all performance metrics no matter how or where you choose to use it. Exclusive to Slingshot, the SlingWing NXT features the new SlingGrip EVA with a ClickConnect handle system. The elevated pistol grip front handle delivers greater control when luffing or switching hands. These handles come on and off with a click, which makes packing for travel more compact.
Aluula NXT Airframe Design
A strategically calculated Reduced Diameter LE from the center of the LE wing to the wing tips, the Aluula Airframe delivers our new revolutionary high-tension, high performance canopy wing design. Offering superior balance and handing with best-in-class flex characteristics. Stiff in the front and transitioning to softer at the wing tips, the Aluula Airframe keeps the first third of the canopy structure smooth and rigid for on-demand power. It allows the wing tips to twist off in gusty conditions or flag out and surf with total control.
Aluula Material
Utilized throughout the SlingWing NXT’s airframe, the Aluula material is a high-tenacity, high molecular laminate that features biaxial gridding and extensive emulsion coating, eliminating stretch in all directions. Aluula is the secret behind a lighter wing with all the attributes of the SlingWing NXT, a more balanced feel, better power control, stability, and effortless flagging out for surfing.
Radial Panel Canopy Construction
We moved panels to match the loading of the canopy while in flight. This was possible because of the stiffness the LE produces to help create the high-tension, high performance canopy. These reinforced seams and a strategic alignment in the canopy prevent stretch.
Radial Panel Canopy Construction
We moved panels to match the loading of the canopy while in flight. This was possible because of the stiffness the LE produces to help create the high-tension, high performance canopy. These reinforced seams and a strategic alignment in the canopy prevent stretch.
Zustand: | Neu |
Produkthersteller: | 7-Nation Europe GmbH -Gross Hasselrod 9- 24159 Kiel E-Mail:info(at)7-nation.eu |