JTL\Catalog\Product\Artikel Object
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[cName] => NeilPryde Mission 5/4 FZ Farbe Blau Herren Neoprenanzug 2023 Größe XL
[cSeo] => NeilPryde-Mission-5-4-FZ-Farbe-Blau-Herren-Neoprenanzug-2023-Groesse-XL
[cBeschreibung] => <p>Neil Pryde Mission 5/4 Frontreißverschluss Farbe Blau <br />STRETCH YOUR LIMITS</p>
<p>Mission ein toller Neo mit tollem Strech. </p>
<p>The Neilpryde Mission - to help cool people stay hot and flexible. The new Mission combines the impossible superflex with high thermal insulation. Outstanding warmth meets freedom of movement without compromises. <br />The Mission achieves its flexibility by consisting of the most flexible outer lining available combined with soft neoprene. Additionally the new, super stretchy thermal warming insulation Hotcell 3GN is applied from the shoulders down to the knees. <br />Like this, the flex of the new Mission could be increased by 10 - 15% compared to the previous Mission.</p>
<p>MATERIAL: Limestone Neoprene, HotCell 3GN, Unlimited flex, Aqua Glue (water based)<br /><br /><br /><br /></p>
<p><strong>NEOPRENE MEN</strong></p>
<table border="1">
<td style="width: 19px"><strong>EU</strong></td>
<td style="width: 27px"><strong>US</strong></td>
<td style="width: 71px">Height CM</td>
<td style="width: 74px">CHEST CM</td>
<td style="width: 75px">CM WAIST</td></tr>
<td style="width: 19px">48</td>
<td style="width: 27px">S</td>
<td style="width: 71px">171 -177</td>
<td style="width: 74px">94- 101</td>
<td style="width: 75px">76- 83</td></tr>
<td style="width: 19px">50</td>
<td style="width: 27px">M</td>
<td style="width: 71px">175 -181</td>
<td style="width: 74px">99- 106</td>
<td style="width: 75px">81- 88</td></tr>
<td style="width: 19px">52</td>
<td style="width: 27px">L</td>
<td style="width: 71px">179 -186</td>
<td style="width: 74px">103- 110</td>
<td style="width: 75px">86- 93</td></tr>
<td style="width: 19px">54</td>
<td style="width: 27px">XL</td>
<td style="width: 71px">183 -189</td>
<td style="width: 74px">108 - 115</td>
<td style="width: 75px">91- 98</td></tr>
<td style="width: 19px">56</td>
<td style="width: 27px">2XL</td>
<td style="width: 71px">185 -191</td>
<td style="width: 74px">113- 120</td>
<td style="width: 75px">96- 103</td></tr></tbody></table>
[cAnmerkung] =>
[cArtNr] => NP7483-03
[cURL] => NeilPryde-Mission-5-4-FZ-Farbe-Blau-Herren-Neoprenanzug-2023-Groesse-XL
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/NeilPryde-Mission-5-4-FZ-Farbe-Blau-Herren-Neoprenanzug-2023-Groesse-XL
[cVPE] => N
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[cSuchbegriffe] =>
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[cBarcode] => 4045533743778
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[cLagerKleinerNull] => N
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[cKurzBeschreibung] =>
[cMwstVersandText] => inkl. 19% USt., zzgl. <a href="https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Versandkosten" rel="nofollow" class="shipment">Versand</a> (Paket S)
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[1] => 234,45 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
[imageType:protected] => variation
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[0] => stdClass Object
[Werte] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\VariationValue Object
[kEigenschaftWert] => 16167
[kEigenschaft] => 3665
[cName] => XL
[fAufpreisNetto] => 0.0000
[fGewichtDiff] => 0.0000
[cArtNr] => 0
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[cAufpreisLocalized] => Array
[0] => 0,00 €
[1] => 0,00 €
[cPreisVPEWertAufpreis] => Array
[cPreisVPEWertInklAufpreis] => Array
[cPreisInklAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 279,00 €
[1] => 234,45 €
[fAufpreis] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[fVPEWert] =>
[cPfad] =>
[cBildPfad] =>
[cBildPfadFull] =>
[cBildPfadMini] =>
[cBildPfadMiniFull] =>
[cBildPfadGross] =>
[cBildPfadGrossFull] =>
[cPfadMini] =>
[cPfadMiniFull] =>
[cPfadKlein] =>
[cPfadKleinFull] =>
[cPfadNormal] =>
[cPfadNormalFull] =>
[cPfadGross] =>
[cPfadGrossFull] =>
[imageType:protected] => variation
[images:protected] => Array
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[kArtikel] => 14428
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[nSort] => 0
[cName] => Grösse
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[cLagerhinweis] => Array
[genau] => 2 Stück Auf Lager
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[oMerkmale_arr] => Array
[16] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Merkmal Object
[kMerkmal] => 16
[cName] => Reißverschluss
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[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
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[cBildpfadNormal] =>
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[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
[kSprache] => 1
[kMerkmalWert] => 359
[kMerkmal] => 16
[nSort] => 1
[cWert] => Frontreißverschluss
[cMetaKeywords] =>
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[cMetaTitle] =>
[cBeschreibung] =>
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[cURL] => Frontreissverschluss
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Frontreissverschluss
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
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[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
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[9] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Merkmal Object
[kMerkmal] => 9
[cName] => Serie
[cBildpfad] =>
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[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadGross] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildGrossVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] =>
[oMerkmalWert_arr] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
[kSprache] => 1
[kMerkmalWert] => 66
[kMerkmal] => 9
[nSort] => 6
[cWert] => Lange Arme
[cMetaKeywords] => Neoprenanzug
[cMetaDescription] => Neoprenanzug
[cMetaTitle] => Neoprenanzug Lange Arme
[cBeschreibung] =>
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[cURL] => Lange-Arme
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/Lange-Arme
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
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[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[4] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Merkmal Object
[kMerkmal] => 4
[cName] => Jahr
[cBildpfad] =>
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[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadGross] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildGrossVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] =>
[oMerkmalWert_arr] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
[kSprache] => 1
[kMerkmalWert] => 415
[kMerkmal] => 4
[nSort] => 16
[cWert] => 2023
[cMetaKeywords] =>
[cMetaDescription] =>
[cMetaTitle] =>
[cBeschreibung] => Neuer Wert
[cSeo] => 2023
[cURL] => 2023
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/2023
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[8] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Merkmal Object
[kMerkmal] => 8
[cName] => Größe
[cBildpfad] =>
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[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadGross] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildGrossVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] =>
[oMerkmalWert_arr] => Array
[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
[kSprache] => 1
[kMerkmalWert] => 48
[kMerkmal] => 8
[nSort] => 11
[cWert] => 54/ XL
[cMetaKeywords] => 54
[cMetaDescription] =>
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[cURL] => 54
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/54
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
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[17] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Merkmal Object
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[cName] => Dicke
[cBildpfad] =>
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[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadGross] => gfx/keinBild.gif
[nBildGrossVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] =>
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[0] => JTL\Catalog\Product\MerkmalWert Object
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[cMetaKeywords] =>
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[cSeo] => 5-mm
[cURL] => 5-mm
[cURLFull] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/5-mm
[cBildpfad] =>
[cBildpfadKlein] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildKleinVorhanden] => 0
[cBildpfadNormal] => gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[nBildNormalVorhanden] => 0
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild_kl.gif
[imageType:protected] => characteristicvalue
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cTyp] => TEXT
[cBildURLKlein] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLGross] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/gfx/keinBild.gif
[cBildURLNormal] => https://www.surfshop-andreas.de/
[kSprache] => 1
[imageType:protected] => characteristic
[images:protected] => Array
[iid:protected] =>
[currentImagePath] =>
[cMerkmalAssoc_arr] => Array
[Reißverschluss] => Frontreißverschluss
[Serie] => Lange Arme
[Jahr] => 2023
[Größe] => 54/ XL
[Dicke] => 5 mm
[cVariationKombi] => 3665_16167
[kEigenschaftKombi_arr] =>
[oVariationKombiVorschauText] =>
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[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
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[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 279
[1] => 234.45378151
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
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[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
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[maxNettoPrice] => 234.45378151
[minBruttoPrice] => 279
[maxBruttoPrice] => 279
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
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[1] => 234,45 €
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[fVKBrutto] => 279
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 279
[1] => 234.45378151
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
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[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
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[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
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[maxNettoPrice] => 234.45378151
[minBruttoPrice] => 279
[maxBruttoPrice] => 279
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
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[16167] => stdClass Object
[Preise] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Preise Object
[kKundengruppe] => 1
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[0] => 279,00 €
[1] => 234,45 €
[fVKNetto] => 234.45378151
[fVKBrutto] => 279
[fPreis1] =>
[fPreis2] =>
[fPreis3] =>
[fPreis4] =>
[fPreis5] =>
[fUst] => 19.00
[alterVKNetto] =>
[nAnzahl1] =>
[nAnzahl2] =>
[nAnzahl3] =>
[nAnzahl4] =>
[nAnzahl5] =>
[alterVK] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[rabatt] =>
[alterVKLocalized] =>
[fVK] => Array
[0] => 279
[1] => 234.45378151
[nAnzahl_arr] => Array
[fPreis_arr] => Array
[fStaffelpreis_arr] => Array
[cPreisLocalized_arr] => Array
[Sonderpreis_aktiv] =>
[Kundenpreis_aktiv] =>
[oPriceRange] => JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange Object
[productData:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14431
[kSteuerklasse] => 1
[fLagerbestand] => 2
[fNettoPreis] => 234.45378151
[customerGroupID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 1
[customerID:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[discount:JTL\Catalog\Product\PriceRange:private] => 0
[minNettoPrice] => 234.45378151
[maxNettoPrice] => 234.45378151
[minBruttoPrice] => 279
[maxBruttoPrice] => 279
[isMinSpecialPrice] =>
[isMaxSpecialPrice] =>
[SonderpreisBis_en] =>
[SonderpreisBis_de] =>
[discountPercentage] => 0
[oProduktBundleMain] =>
[oProduktBundlePrice] =>
[inWarenkorbLegbar] => 1
[oVariBoxMatrixBild_arr] =>
[oVariationKombiVorschau_arr] => Array
[cVariationenbilderVorhanden] =>
[nVariationenVerfuegbar] => 1
[nVariationAnzahl] => 1
[nVariationOhneFreifeldAnzahl] => 1
[Bewertungen] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Bewertung Object
[oBewertung_arr] => Array
[nSterne_arr] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 0
[2] => 0
[3] => 0
[4] => 0
[nAnzahlSprache] => 0
[oBewertungGesamt] => stdClass Object
[fDurchschnitt] => 0
[nAnzahl] => 0
[Sortierung] => 0
[fDurchschnittsBewertung] => 0
[HilfreichsteBewertung] => JTL\Catalog\Product\Bewertung Object
[oBewertung_arr] => Array
[0] =>
[nSterne_arr] =>
[nAnzahlSprache] =>
[oBewertungGesamt] =>
[similarProducts] => Array
[0] => kArtikelXSellerKey_arr
[1] => oArtikelArr
[kArtikelXSellerKey_arr] => Array
[oArtikelArr] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12272
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[1] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 14428
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[2] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12987
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[3] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12253
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[4] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12270
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[5] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12271
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[6] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 10729
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
[7] => stdClass Object
[kArtikel] => 12252
[kVaterArtikel] => 0
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[oFavourableShipping] => JTL\Checkout\Versandart Object
[kVersandart] => 18
[kVersandberechnung] => 1
[cVersandklassen] => 1
[cName] => Kostenloser Versand (DE 0,00)
[cLaender] => DE
[cAnzeigen] => immer
[cKundengruppen] => -1
[cBild] =>
[cNurAbhaengigeVersandart] => Y
[nSort] => 0
[fPreis] => 0.00
[fVersandkostenfreiAbX] => 0.00
[fDeckelung] => 0.00
[oVersandartSprache_arr] => Array
[ger] => stdClass Object
[kVersandart] => 18
[cISOSprache] => ger
[cName] => Kostenloser Versand
[cLieferdauer] => 1-2 Tage
[cHinweistext] => Kostenloser Versand nach DE außer Inseln. Versandkosten werden pro Bestellung nur einmalig berechnet.
[cHinweistextShop] => Kostenloser Versand nach DE außer Inseln. Versandkosten werden pro Bestellung nur einmalig berechnet.
[oVersandartStaffel_arr] => Array
[cSendConfirmationMail] => Y
[cIgnoreShippingProposal] => N
[nMinLiefertage] => 1
[nMaxLiefertage] => 2
[eSteuer] => brutto
[country] =>
[cPriceLocalized] =>
[shippingSurcharges] => Illuminate\Support\Collection Object
[items:protected] => Array
[0] => JTL\Checkout\ShippingSurcharge Object
[ID] => 2
[ISO] => DE
[title] => Inselzuschlag Deutschland
[surcharge] => 14.99
[shippingMethod] => 18
[ZIPCodes] => Array
[0] => 26757
[1] => 26548
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[3] => 25863
[4] => 25859
[5] => 18565
[6] => 83256
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[ZIPFrom] => 26571
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[ZIPFrom] => 26465
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[ZIPTo] => 25999
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[ZIPFrom] => 25929
[ZIPTo] => 25955
[5] => JTL\Checkout\ShippingSurchargeArea Object
[ZIPFrom] => 25845
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[1] => Inselzuschlag Deutschland
[priceLocalized] => 14,99 €
[data:JTL\Checkout\ShippingSurcharge:private] => Array
[escapeWhenCastingToString:protected] =>
[data:JTL\Checkout\Versandart:private] => Array
[cCachedCountryCode] => DE
[fLieferantenlagerbestand] => 0
[fLieferzeit] => 0
[cEstimatedDelivery] => 1 - 2 Tage**
[kVPEEinheit] => 1
[fMwSt] => 19.00
[fArtikelgewicht] => 0
[nSort] => 0
[dErstellt] => 2024-04-18
[dErstellt_de] => 18.04.2024
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Neil Pryde Mission 5/4 Frontreißverschluss Farbe Blau
Mission ein toller Neo mit tollem Strech.
The Neilpryde Mission - to help cool people stay hot and flexible. The new Mission combines the impossible superflex with high thermal insulation. Outstanding warmth meets freedom of movement without compromises.
The Mission achieves its flexibility by consisting of the most flexible outer lining available combined with soft neoprene. Additionally the new, super stretchy thermal warming insulation Hotcell 3GN is applied from the shoulders down to the knees.
Like this, the flex of the new Mission could be increased by 10 - 15% compared to the previous Mission.
MATERIAL: Limestone Neoprene, HotCell 3GN, Unlimited flex, Aqua Glue (water based)
EU | US | Height CM | CHEST CM | CM WAIST |
48 | S | 171 -177 | 94- 101 | 76- 83 |
50 | M | 175 -181 | 99- 106 | 81- 88 |
52 | L | 179 -186 | 103- 110 | 86- 93 |
54 | XL | 183 -189 | 108 - 115 | 91- 98 |
56 | 2XL | 185 -191 | 113- 120 | 96- 103 |
Zustand: | Neu |
Produkthersteller: | Pryde Group GmbH-Bergstr. 7-82024 Taufkirchen/ E Mail:info(at)pryde-group.de. |